The Wyanoke Group التطبيقات

Ocular Surgery News Europe
The Wyanoke Group
From the Publisher of OCULAR SURGERY NEWSAPAO, Europe, Latin America and US Editions, the OCULAR SURGERYNEWS Europe mobile application for Android™ puts the latest newsand perspective for ophthalmology at your fingertips.Access the latest issue of OCULAR SURGERY NEWS Europe Edition 10times per year in an easy to read format. A unique feature of thismobile application is that the content and functionality isdesigned for the Android™ platform which will give you a moresatisfying reading experience.Use your current log in to access theapp or easily register at or on your mobile device.Android™ platform is a registered trademark of Google Inc.Created and published by SLACK Incorporated, A Wyanoke GroupCompany, 6900 Grove Road, Thorofare, NJ 08086 USA. Copyright @2013.All rights reserved.Articles are intended for informational purposes only and shouldnot be used as the basis of patient treatment. All opinionsexpressed by the authors and quoted sources are their own and donot necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, publisher oreditorial boards of SLACK Incorporated. The acceptance ofadvertising in no way implies endorsement by the editors, publisheror editorial boards of SLACK Incorporated.
Orthopaedics Today Europe
The Wyanoke Group
From the publisher of Orthopaedics TodayEurope, Orthopedics Today, Orthopedics, and Athletic Training andSports Health Care, the Orthopaedics Today Europe mobileapplication for Android™ puts the latest news and perspective formusculoskeletal health and disease specialist at your fingertips.Orthopaedics Today Europe is the official newspaper of EFORT.Access the latest issue of Orthopaedics Today Europe ten timesper year in an easy to read format. A unique feature of this mobileapplication is that the content and functionality is designed forthe Android™ platform which will give you a more satisfying readingexperience. Use your current login toaccess the app or register at on your mobile device.Android™ platform is a registered trademark of Google Inc.Created and published by SLACK Incorporated, A Wyanoke GroupCompany, 6900 Grove Road, Thorofare, NJ 08086 USA. Copyright @2013.All rights reserved.Articles are intended for informational purposes only and shouldnot be used as the basis of patient treatment. All opinionsexpressed by the authors and quoted sources are their own and donot necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, publisher oreditorial boards of SLACK Incorporated. The acceptance ofadvertising in no way implies endorsement by the editors, publisheror editorial boards of SLACK Incorporated.
Psychiatric Annals 1.0
The Wyanoke Group
Psychiatric Annals is a monthly medicalreviewjournal that provides the latest practical, clinicalinformation topsychiatrists, psychiatric residents, and thoseinvolved in thediagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders.The Journalprovides practitioners with cutting-edge information tohelp themstay current in the field. Download the PSYCH app from theAppStore and explore regular features including CME activitiesandCase Challenges.
JGN 1.0
The Wyanoke Group
The Journal of Gerontological Nursing isamonthly, peer-reviewed journal publishing clinicallyrelevantoriginal articles on the practice of gerontological nursingacrossthe continuum of care in a variety of health caresettings.Download the JGN app from the App Store and exploreregularfeatures including Geropharmacology, Person-Centered Care,andTechnology Innovations. If you already have a JGN subscription,youcan sign in for access to issues associated with yoursubscriptionterm.
RGN 1.0
The Wyanoke Group
Research in Gerontological Nursing isabimonthly, peer-reviewed publication offeringcutting-edge,interdisciplinary gerontological nursing research toeducators,academicians, clinicians, and policymakers involved witholderadults in all health care settings. Articles includequantitative,qualitative, methodological, and theoretical researcharticles, andfeatured intervention studies. Download the RGN appfrom the AppStore and explore regular features including the annualState ofthe Science Commentary, authored by nationalgerontologicalleaders. If you already have an RGN subscription, youcan sign infor access to issues associated with your subscriptionterm.
Journal of Nursing Education 1.0
The Wyanoke Group
The Journal of Nursing Education is amonthly,peer-reviewed journal publishing original articles and newideasfor nurse educators in various types and levels ofnursingprograms. The Journal enhances the teaching-learningprocess,promotes curriculum development, and stimulates creativeinnovationand research in nursing education. Download the JNE appfrom theApp Store and explore regular features includingEducationalInnovations, Research Briefs, and Syllabus Selections.If youalready have a JNE subscription, you can sign in for accesstoissues associated with your subscription term.
JCEN 1.0
The Wyanoke Group
The Journal of Continuing Education inNursingis a monthly peer-reviewed journal publishing originalarticles oncontinuing nursing education directed toward continuingeducationand staff development professionals, nurse administrators,andnurse educators in all health care settings. Download the JCENappfrom the App Store and explore regular features includingTeachingTips, Administrative Angles, Clinical Updates, andLeadership andDevelopment. If you already have a JCEN subscription,you can signin for access to issues associated with yoursubscriptionterm.
Orthopedics 1.0
The Wyanoke Group
Orthopedics is a bimonthlypeer-reviewedjournal publishing clinically relevant information onall aspectsof adult and pediatric orthopedic surgery andtreatment.Orthopedics is the source to turn to for guidance in yourpractice.Download the ORTHO app from the App Store and exploreregularfeatures including Blue Ribbon articles and Tips &Techniquesarticles.
JPOS 1.0
The Wyanoke Group
The Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology&Strabismus is a bimonthly peer-reviewed journal publishingoriginalarticles on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention ofeyedisorders in the pediatric age group and the treatmentofstrabismus in all age groups. Download the JPOS app from theAppStore and explore regular features including Eye to Eye,What’sYour Diagnosis?, Basic Science Tidbit, and Images inPediatricOphthalmology. If you already have a JPOS subscription,you cansign in for access to issues associated with yoursubscriptionterm.
JPN 1.0
The Wyanoke Group
The Journal of Psychosocial Nursing andMentalHealth Services is a monthly, peer-reviewed journal formentalhealth nurses in a variety of community and institutionalsettings.The Journal provides the most up-to-date, practicalinformationavailable for today’s psychosocial nurse. Download theJPN app fromthe App Store and explore regular features includingarticles aboutpsychopharmacology, mental health care of olderadults, andchild/adolescent disorders and issues. If you alreadyhave a JPNsubscription, you can sign in for access to issuesassociated withyour subscription term.
Pediatric Annals 1.0
The Wyanoke Group
Pediatric Annals is an online-only,monthlymedical review journal dedicated to providing pediatriciansandother clinicians with the latest practical information onthediagnosis and treatment of pediatric diseases anddisorders.Download the PED app from the App Store and exploreregularfeatures including Healthy Baby/Healthy Child andCaseChallenges.
Journal of Refractive Surgery 1.0
The Wyanoke Group
The Journal of Refractive Surgery, theofficialjournal of the International Society of RefractiveSurgery, apartner of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, is amonthlypeer-reviewed journal publishing original research,reviews, andevaluations of refractive and lens-based surgicalprocedures.Practical, clinically valuable articles provide readerswith themost up-to-date information regarding advances in thefield ofrefractive surgery. Download the JRS app from the AppStore andexplore regular features including Translational Science,SurgicalTechniques, and Biomechanics. If you already have a JRSsubscriptionor are an ISRS member, you can sign in for access toissuesassociated with your term.
The Wyanoke Group
Athletic Training & Sports Health Care is abimonthly,peer-reviewed publication that provides contemporaryathletictraining and sports health care information and guidancetoclinicians involved in a variety of allied health professions.TheJournal publishes original research, case reviews,evidence-basedreports, clinical columns, systematic reviews, andliteraturereviews from a variety of sports health care disciplines.Downloadthe ATSHC app from the App Store and explore regularfeaturesincluding Pearls of Practice and Clinical Roundtable. Ifyoualready have an ATSHC subscription, you can sign in for accesstoissues associated with your subscription term.
Healio LIVE
The Wyanoke Group
Download to know more about Healio LIVE
Healio Meetings 1.0
The Wyanoke Group
Healio LIVE organizes in-person continuing education meetingsforhealthcare specialists, delivering unique experiencesthoughquality information, perspective on new data andface-to-faceinteraction with leading experts and peers. Thismeeting app hostsonsite information and speaker presentations forall of its events.A password is required to gain access to thecontent for eachevent.